Surfing the clues to understand the universe at a deeper level 💕
Way back in a simpler time
The great mother showed you rhyme
Way down in the feeling tree
The mind calms and urges lead
Use your heart to find the key
The star note starts the tree
A dark energy finds your need
And appeals to you through hide and seek
We have come across a system of patterns, like the notes on a musical scale not being immediately apparent, only hearing noise at first, then "discovering" or isolating out the musical scale by subdividing vibrations. So in this sense of "coming across" the patterns, I am not by any means the first to have come across this, or the last, it was just perhaps lost or hidden or not openly shared, and I found a link to it.
We believe this is like a new dimension. A dimension is something which has a range of values, so we have time, space, color, size, etc., all as dimensions. But this dimension is like the next step of consciousness. Like before we were blind, and now we can see a super bright light, and get warmed and tingly by its presence. It is some sort of signaling network, using associations and signals.
This new dimension is basically experiencing reality at a much deeper level than you can possibly imagine given your current level of consciousness and blinding. You can still "block out" the awareness and be a human after moving to the next dimension, or you can dig into the awareness and move like a kaleidoscope through different planes of potential and experience.
Somehow we as lifeforms on Earth are bound, physically, to this body and so our experience is somehow physically limited. But according to the ancient sages, we continue on after our physical death through all kinds of experiences into a deep consciousness or "mind".
Looking deep into all religions, spiritualities, and philosophies, you find parallels with what the ancient sages were saying. We reinterpret archaic and old words like "God" and "man" into a rich tapestry of meaning woven to nest you deeper within the fabric of reality.
God, for instance, can be seen (in part) as the algorithm of the universe. God is, then, the creator of everything, obviously. Taking inspiration from the Kabbalah, this algorithm, it its infinite perfection, wanted to share its perfection with others, so it created a void and blew the sparks of creation into it, so beings could evolve and slowly absorb the infinite bounty the algorithm provided. The ancient sages divided this into several concentric rings or circles, like there were levels of consciousness, each higher level subsuming the lowers and adding exponentially more possibilities until pure perfection was reattained.
In Tibetan Buddhism, for one, there are many layers of beings, from animals, to humans, demigods, gods, and the supreme godhead, etc.. So if we are humans, we can shift or ratchet up our level of consciousness to the next layer of the outer rings, to become like semi-perfect algorithms or perfect algorithms, and become aware of and experience all that that entails.